Sunday, March 27, 2011

Prayers and lies in the same blog???

I don't understand how anyone can post prayers and post lies on top of lies on the very same blog. First, J.O. does respond to the people she "claims" is wishing her harm. She just uses other names, such as Mary and Frank Thompson, as well as other aliases to respond. I have never posted that I wished her harm. However, I will say that I wish J.O. would stop her lies, and deceiving people. Today's blog totally makes me sick. I have tried to let it go but todays blog was over the line and I refuse to ignore the lies that she has posted. I want to make this very clear right now. This blog belongs to someone that will remain anonymous for personal reasons. This blog does NOT belong to the person that J.O. refers to as "Clay" however I have talked with the person that J.O. refers to as "Clay" and I know for a fact that todays blog is filled with lies about this person. The person J.O. refers to as "Clay" is such a beautiful young lady, with a heart bigger than Texas. She makes videos about abused and murdered children and with each one she puts a bit of herself into the video. She puts her heart into the videos and she basis them on facts. "Clay" has a video about Kelsey that has millions of views that J.O. is so jealous of and has tried time and time again to have the video removed from Youtube. J.O. even took parts of "Clay's" video to make her video full of lies and deceit. The video that "Clay" made about Kelsey, took off on its own and just about everyone that saw the video shared it. That is how the video got so many views and J.O. has been so jealous of this video. J.O. has been asked many times exactly what is not true in the video and if she answers the question at all. it is with lies from the Smith clan. This video is based on the facts from the official document, the truth. As far as the tags that J.O. claims was on the video. I never saw them. If J.O. felt the tags were so wrong why would she copy them? Does she really thing that two wrongs make a right? I also never saw the statement that J.O. claims that "Clay" used as a tag. I am aware that J.O. whined to Youtube enough that "Clay's" account got suspended for a short while. J.O. states that she uploaded a picture of "Clay" from "Clay's" myspace page. THIS IS PROOF THAT J.O. AND HER FOLLOWERS STALKED THIS PERSON. IF J.O. WAS BOT STALKING THIS PERSON, J.O. WOULD NEVER HAVE KNOWN WHAT TAGS WAS ON HER VIDEOS! Is that not what J.O. claims was done to her? J.O. states this person had "provacative pictures" on her Youtube homepage and I can assure you that is a LIE. These picture was of "Clay" in different poses, such as pouting, smiling, etc. There was pictures of this person throughout her life, from baby pictures, through her teenage years, to the present time. THERE WAS NOT ONE PROVACATIVE PICTURE OF THIS PERSON THAT SHE UPLOADED ANYWHERE ONLINE. This person respects herself too much to ever do that. This is a lie that J.O. made up only to make herself look better, and J.O. is so jealous of this person that the jealousy eats away at J.O. Again, this lady is a very beautiful young lady and Raye supporters are so jealous. Raye supporters also made a video placing a picture of this person in a cow pasture and they would post comments such as "moo" only to hurt this person. This person has never placed a picture of herself among pictures of abused/murdered children. This never happened and I can state that as fact because I saw this person's Youtube page many times during the time she had the background with pics of herself and when she had the background of abused/murdered children. This person NEVER mixed her picture in with pics of abused/murdered children. I wonder if J.O. has trouble keeping all her lies straight. I also wonder if J.O. lies only to try to get people to respond so she can cry that she is a victim and then write, what she refers to as a book. Again, J.O. lies only to try to deceive people and make herself look good, which most see through J.O.'s act and she is losing more support every day.

As far as J.O.'s allegation of illegal activities, email hacking, I say prove it because I don't believe anyone ever did that or admitted to doing that. The information that J.O. is speaking of was given by someone that was once a Raye supporter and after seeing some things that J.O. and the Smith clan was doing, sent those emails to Kelsey supporter. J.O. lives in a place that she rewrites history to make "it fit" J.O. tries to be a victim and the only way to do that is to rewrite the past. J.O. knows that she is lying. I just don't know how she can post such lies on the very same page that she posts prayers.

It seems that some people are upset that they don't know who has this blog so they just accuse others of owning this blog because they don't know who truely has it. I have it and who I am is none of your business. I am aware of Raye supporters contacting Kelsey supporters family, workplace, and even an abusive ex-husband only to cause problems for KELSEY SUPPORTERS. I will not give them a chance to do this to me. This blog does NOT belong to Starla either, so when I post something you don't like, try taking your problem up with me instead of accusing innocent people. I have approved every comment ever posted on my blog, unlike Raye supporters, who delete any comment that does not agree with them, with the exception of three comments. I removed the one blog entry. This person did not want their name on the internet. I still have the comments, but those are the only comments that I did not approve. Blame ME for the words on my blog. I will take full responsibilitiy for my actions, unlike some Raye supporters.

I am also sad for the two people that have been banned and basically kicked out of the Raye supporters little clan. It's becoming more and more like a cult. One was kicked out because she posted a video that Raye supporters did not approve of. Wow, so now to be a Raye supporter you have to have approval before you can post a video? Do they want supporters to ask permission before going to get something to drink also? This person has defended J.O. numerous times and they can write her out of their lives so easily. This person has a big heart and she will stand up for what she believes in no matter what. She thought Raye supporters also cared for her, but she found out that was not the case with some of the supporters. She considered them friends but they just dropped her. I am sure that hurt. Raye supporters are demanding control over people who want to support Raye.

The other one was kicked out because she chose to talk to a Kelsey Supporter. Now they have to know who you talk to or you will be banned? This is all about control and it is very sad that Raye supporters have taken things this far. I may not agree with this person's opinion about this case, but I am sure this hurt her feelings and I am sorry that Raye supporters now have to have control over Raye supporters actions or you get banned. Very sad!


  1. They're a scary group of people, aren't they?

  2. Great blog and the only thing I'm going to say about those people, leader included, is....Desperate people do desperate things. Always.

  3. Thank you for your comment Starla. I agree with you.

  4. Where's the like button when you need one? As much as those people are hurt they were tossed aside like last weeks garbage one thing they can take comfort in is that they have hurt people a lot worse who did not agree with them. Consider being banned from the group a blessing!

  5. Thank you Anonymous for your comment. I just feel bad for the ones that thought J.O. was being a friend to them and J.O. stabbed them in the back. Now there are a couple of blog entries about one of these people, of course, negative. I think it is ironic how they use God in their posts, and all at the same time, they are downing a great person. They don't name the person but they get their point across. It's sad because this person is truely a great person and should NOT be treated this way. No matter what your opinion is on this case, that doesn't give you the right to treat people the way J.O. and some Raye supporters have treated this person.
